The online allo­ca­tion of regis­tra­tion dates is pos­si­ble from 03.04.2024 until 12.04.2024. Online pre-regis­tra­tion is essen­tial for the allo­ca­tion of an appoint­ment. This is then acti­va­ted on our home­page. A sepa­rate e-mail address is requi­red for regis­tra­tion. It is not suffici­ent to come to the school during the regis­tra­tion week. On-site regis­tra­ti­ons will take place from 15.04. – 19.04.2024 from 10:00 to 16:30 (accor­ding to allo­ca­ted dates).

On Wed­nes­days and Fri­days regis­tra­tion is pos­si­ble until 6:00 p.m. .

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